Fungus (mycosis) is a common skin disease caused by parasitic fungi. One of the most common species, especially in adults, is the foot fungus. They are very easy to infect - the scales always come out of the skin affected by the fungus, which contains many pathogens. How to get rid of foot fungus? Traditional medicine does not always cope with this unpleasant disease, so a significant number of people turn to the pig bank of folk remedies for foot fungus.
What you need to know about mushrooms
Foot fungus grows well in wet conditions. Therefore, the most common places for infection are swimming pools, saunas and showers. Excessive sweating of the feet and wet shoes are prone to the development of foot fungus. If there is a sick person in the family, then healthy family members are more likely to be infected. Therefore, do not use other people's towels, shoes, combs, clothes, etc.
The causative agent of the fungus is well tolerated in dry environments and low temperatures - under these conditions they do not die, but stop growing and developing. Fungi remain alive for a very long time in the flakes of the skin affected by the disease. These scales can be on clothes, shoes, carpets for years. Then the pathogenic fungi that enter the skin of a healthy person begin to grow and multiply again, causing the disease.
The fungus spreads rapidly in a slightly alkaline and neutral environment (6-6, 5 RN). Healthy skin has a slightly acidic environment - pH - 5, 5. It protects us from fungal diseases. But sweaty feet and uncomfortable synthetic shoes violate this protection. Therefore, when treating fungi with folk remedies, vinegar is often used.
It is recommended to boil to disinfect the patient's clothes and linen - when boiled for 3-4 minutes, the fungus dies. 1% formalin solution is used to treat shoes, and chloramine solution is used to disinfect household items. You need to do this, because once the fungus is completely healed, you can get it back through your shoes and clothes.
Signs of infection

Symptoms of athlete's foot may include:
- One or more cracks between the toes
- Skin peeling;
- Itching, burning;
- Thickening of the skin, the appearance of scales;
- Redness of the skin;
- Bubbles with clear liquid.
These symptoms may be present simultaneously or separately.
A treasure trove of folk recipes
If the fungus is severe, there are ulcers and erosions, then before using folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus, it is necessary to take a foot bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. During this procedure, try to remove as many scales from the skin as possible. If the skin of the feet affected by the fungus becomes thick and horny, it is advisable to remove all the scales before treatment. This is easily done with salicylic oil gel applied twice a day. You can make compresses with this tool to speed up the process. Once the scales are removed, the fungal treatment will directly affect the affected skin area.
Herbal remedies

Celandine has long been considered one of the most effective herbal remedies in the fight against fungi.
4 tbsp. l. herbs should be poured into 1. 5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes. Immerse your feet in the cooled broth for 30 minutes at an acceptable temperature. At night, make compresses from this broth, add a little vinegar. The course of treatment is 15-20 consecutive days.
If for some reason celandine is unpleasant for you, you are allowed to replace it with wormwood.
Burdock leaves
Take a burdock leaf, beat it with a hammer at the bottom, or roll it with a rolling pin to get the juice out. Wrap your feet in a burdock, cover with a bandage and put on socks. Change the compress twice a day. The course is 3 weeks. It is recommended to use this tool at night.
Rowan leaves
Knead fresh rowan leaves, apply to the affected skin area and fasten with a bandage, or better yet - first with burdock leaves, and then with a bandage. It is recommended to change the bandage once a day and keep it day and night.
Maple resin

Steam your feet in soapy water, remove excess skin with a pumice stone, wipe well and spread the skin between the toes, nails, cracks with maple resin. After an hour and a half, wipe the resin, but do not wash your feet. Walk like this for two days. Then repeat the procedure. It is enough to apply this folk remedy 3-4 times to get rid of the fungus. But do not forget to disinfect your shoes.
Pour 1 cup of calendula flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. With this infusion, lubricate the feet affected by the fungus at night.
Garlic recipes
- Mix garlic gruel and butter in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply night compresses from the resulting mixture. Course - until full recovery.
- Mix 1 tbsp. l. Add garlic juice and 90% alcohol, 2 tbsp. l. su. Lubricate painful areas every night. The course is 2-3 weeks.
Put 300 g of onion puree in two plastic bags. Put your feet in the bags so that the skin does not come into contact with the onion. Tie the bags around the heels. The result is a "steam-air chamber". Course - 5 sessions.
Potato shoots
Pour half a cup of chopped potato sprouts with alcohol, insist and compress this gruel overnight on the affected skin.

- Finely chop the lemon into several slices, then cut in half and stick to the damaged area. Cover with a bandage and adhesive film. Hold for 20 minutes.
- A simple rub with lemon can also help solve your problem. But keep in mind that you do not need to wash your feet after such a procedure.
Pour 2 tablespoons chopped aloe leaves in a liter of boiling water. When the infusion reaches room temperature, strain and use as a base for a foot bath. The recommended duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
If desired, sage and calendula can be added to the solution - in the same proportions as aloe.
Other means
Apple cider vinegar

- Soak well-washed feet in apple cider vinegar. Choose the concentration of your choice - the stronger it is, the faster the treatment will go, but only because you can tolerate it.
- Along with carrot juice, vinegar will also be useful. Mix 1 tbsp. l. lubricate the two liquids and the affected skin with a swab moistened with this composition.
- Wash the chicken eggs, dry them, put them in a glass and pour 100 g of vinegar essence. Insist in a dark place for 5-7 days until the crust is dissolved, discard the remaining film. Add 100 g of softened butter, beat. You will receive an emulsion in the form of mayonnaise. Evaporate your feet every night and apply the ointment to the affected area of the skin in the form of a compress, cover with plastic wrap. When the nail is soft, cut it. Course - until full recovery.
Dilute soda with water and prepare gruel. Rub the affected skin with this gruel. After 15 minutes, rinse with water, wipe your feet and dust with starch.
Salicylic ointment
You can use a 35% salicylic ointment from a pharmacy to quickly soften and remove fungal skin areas. Spread on your feet in the morning and put a plastic bag on each, then socks, wear them all until the evening. Repeat the procedure in the evening. And do it for a week. After three days of treatment, the skin of the feet will begin to whiten and peel off in the form of patches, and the young skin underneath will be healthy and fresh without any signs of fungus.
Add 1 tablespoon to a glass of water. l. ammonia. Soak a piece of cloth in this solution and wrap your feet, put a plastic bag and a sock on top. Take it before bed. Course - 5-10 procedures.
Hydrogen peroxide
Mix equal parts of warm water and hydrogen peroxide and soak the previously cut and cleaned nail in the solution for 20 minutes.
It is not recommended to lower the whole leg, as it is fraught with skin irritation.
After the right time, dry the nail thoroughly. Avoid wearing both socks and closed shoes for as long as possible after the procedure.
It is recommended to repeat the baths every day until the desired result is achieved.
Dip 20% propolis tincture (you can buy it at the pharmacy) in cotton, apply to the infected area and secure with a bandage. It is recommended to wear the bandage within 24 hours, then change it to a new one.
Clay BF
Wash your feet and lubricate the affected areas with BF-88 glue. Do this once a day for a week. The fungus will disappear completely.
Mis sulfate
Dissolve a teaspoon of copper sulfate in a liter of boiled water, mix well and put your feet there for 10 minutes.
Never use a metal container, as copper sulfate is very corrosive.
Tar soap
Pour two tablespoons of grated soap with two liters of boiling water and bring to a boil. When the solution cools, put your feet in for 10-15 minutes. When finished, wipe your feet with a towel until dry.
Alternative treatment with hot water
Turn on the hot water tap in the bathroom - your hands can hardly stand it. Stand in the bathroom, bring your feet under the stream for a moment. We repeat this 5-7 times. After that, separate your fingers and allow them to dry. Immediately sprinkle 6% vinegar between your fingers and leave to dry again.
Among all the recipes we have listed, you will surely find something suitable for you and say goodbye to an unpleasant disease such as athlete's foot.